Production Designer
LAURA INGLESE è nata a Palermo nel 1984. Diplomata al Liceo Artistico, ha conseguito nel 2008 presso l’Università di Palermo la Laurea in Architettura con una tesi in scenografia, dal titolo Sulle tracce di G. Mastorna, film mai realizzato di Federico Fellini. Dal 2010 è iscritta all’albo professionale degli architetti. Nel 2011 consegue il Diploma in Scenografia, Arredamento e Costume presso il Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia di Roma (Docenti: Andrea Crisanti, Piero Tosi, Bruno Amalfitano). Attualmente vive tra Roma e Palermo, occupandosi di allestimenti scenografici per cinema, teatro e mostre.
LAURA INGLESE was born in Palermo in 1984. She attended Artistic High School and graduated in 2008 at the Faculty of Architecture in Palermo, with a final dissertation in production design entitled "Sulle tracce di G. Mastorna", a film never produced by Federico Fellini. She is a qualified Architect since 2010. In 2011 she completed the school "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia" in Rome (Teachers: Andrea Crisanti, Piero Tosi, Bruno Amalfitano). She currently lives in both Rome and Palermo, travelling often from a city to another, where she deals with production design for cinema, theatre and exhibitions.
Production Designer
2019 PRINCIPESSA directed by R. Fabrizi (Short)
2019 LA PARTICELLA FANTASMA directed by W. Lombardo (Short in post-production)
2019 DIVINAZIONI directed by L. Picarella
2017 SAREMO GIOVANI E BELLISSIMI directed by L. Lamartire
2017 PARRU PI TIA directed by G. Carleo (Short)
2015 LA RAGAZZA DEL MONDO directed by M. Danieli
2014 OFFICIUM directed by G. Carleo (Short)
2013 VAENESIUS directed by G. Cannizzo (Short)
2012 I CANTIERI CHE VOGLIAMO directed by R. Torre (Short)
2011 RABITO, VINCENZO directed by D. Fabrizi and G. La Franca (Short)
2011 CLORO directed by L. Plebani (Short)
2010 IO TRA DI VOI directed by M. Vannucci (Short)
2010 GANADO directed by D. Mejìa (Short)
2010 L'ARTE DEL MOSTRARE directed by D. Gambino and D. Guarneri (Short)
2010 HIMERA/RAINER directed by C. Andrich and V. Pellitteri (Short)
2010 LA SCOPERTA-IL VILLINO FLORIO directed by G. Pellegrini and A. Mura (Short)
2010 L'ULTIMA DANZA directed by B. Pampaloni (Short)
2010 IL 10 directed by D. Mejìa (Short)
2009 UNO CHE NON C'E' directed by D. Mejìa (Short)
2009 PAROLE FATTE A MANO directed by X. Ericovna (set design in collaboration with: Laura Boni, Valeria Di Claudio and Irene Iaccio - short)
2009 FAR AWAY directed di A. Iuliano (set design in collaboration with: Laura Boni, Valeria Di Claudio and Irene Iaccio - short)
Assistant Production Designer
2020 ESTERNO NOTTE directed by M. Bellocchio, production design by A. Castorina (Under processing)
2019 HAMMAMET directed by G. Amelio, production design by G. Basili (Post- production)
2018 IL TRADITORE directed by M. Bellocchio , production design by A. Castorina
2016 SICILIAN GHOST STORY directed by A. Piazza and F. Grassadonia, production design by M. Dentici
2015 FAI BEI SOGNI directed by M. Bellocchio, production design by M. Dentici
2015 ABBRACCIALO PER ME directed by V. Sindoni, production design by M. Dentici
2014 L'ATTESA directed by P. Messina, production design by M. Dentici
2013 LA BUCA directed by D. Ciprì, production design by M. Dentici
2012 SALVO directed by A. Piazza and F. Grassadonia, production design by M. Dentici
Production Design
2010 LA PORTA SUL BUIO directed by M. Cassini (set design in collaboration with: Laura Boni, Valeria Di Claudio)
2013 PETROLIO design and realization for a temporany exhibition in the Museum Centrale Montemartini in Rome
2013 "Artesceno" design work for the construction of production design for film, theater and exhibitions
2010 Idee e progetti per una scenografia televisiva Award: mention Production Design for a Television news (Dipartimento di Architettura - 1° Facoltà di Architettura Ludovico Quaroni - Università La Sapienza di Roma - International Festival Scenic Arts - ASC)
2010 Milano L.E.D. Light Exhibition Design - Award: "Over the rainbow" - Realization: Naviglio Grande in Milan - from 4th december 2010 to 23 th january 2011
2018-19 Teacher - Production Designer - School: Piano Focale
2012 Teacher supervision in set design for realization of the film of 1st year School: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia of Palermo
2011-2012 Tutor of the school: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia of Palermo